How to Unblock Fallopian Tubes

How to Treat Fallopian Tube Blockage with Herbs?

Herbs are found to be one of the most natural ways to cure different health conditions and disorders, including blocked fallopian tubes. A number of studies and research has revealed some herbs to be effective for curing obstructed fallopian tubes. Read and know about the herbs that are used most commonly for treating this condition.


The herb was initially used for the treatment of flu and colds. It is packed with various effective ingredients, such as polysaccharide, caffeic acids and alkylamides. The herb is capable of combating infections that can lead to blockage of fallopian tubes. In 2003, it was proven to be very active against streptococcal and staphylococcal bacteria. It can also activate macrophages, which serve as an important constituent of the natural immunity of humans.

Ginger root

The roots of Ginger can boost blood flow, and reduce blockage and inflammation. Uva Ursi and Hawthorn can help eliminate excess body fluids and reduce congestion as well. This can help clear blockage in the fallopian tubes caused by the accumulation of blood or fluids. A Chinese herb known as Dong Quai can also help alleviate spasms within the fallopian tubes.


Typically, it is a blend of lichen and algae. The herb can be found throughout the globe. It was initially used for the cure of various infections and wounds. The presence of a powerful antimicrobial chemical known as usnic acid makes the herb effectual against various types of bacteria. Usnea has been approved for the treatment of strep, Chlamydia, staph and trichoma infections which can lead to the blockage of fallopian tube due to an infection. Although it is effectual, pregnant women should not use it.

Red Peony Root

The roots of red peony are found to be packed in antioxidants which are effective in removing blockage and reversing the damages caused by free radicals. Naturally, it is one of the best known herbal remedies used by naturopaths for the natural treatment of fallopian tubes.


Also referred to as hydrastis Canadensis, this perennial herb is found commonly found in the U.S and southern Canada. Its use for unblocking fallopian tubes has been approved, given that it has an anti-inflammatory and toning impact on mucus membranes. It is the mucus membrane that forms the inner lining of the fallopian tubes. It has even been regarded as a powerful antibiotic against bacteria, protozoa and fungi. It is important not to use the herb for fallopian tube blockage treatment during pregnancy, given the fact that it can result in various complications.

The roots of Goldenseal can works as a powerful anti-microbial agent. These can help reduce infections and inflammation, and prevent adhesions and scarring in the long run.

Other than the ones mentioned above, you can also try various other herbs like turmeric, garlic, calendula, frankincense, red peony root, oleander and chamomile. It is important to consult a doctor before you use any form of herb. This will make sure that you never use wrong herbs, and get the best herbs in the right dosage as well.

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